Alliance Roles
Alliance Roles in Galaxy Dust Online
Alliance roles define the responsibilities and permissions of members within an alliance, ensuring smooth coordination and effective management. Here are the key roles typically found in an alliance:
1. Leader
Overall management of the alliance.
Approves new members and sets alliance goals.
Oversees resource allocation and strategy.
Full access to alliance features, including the Alliance CAN Station, structures, and missions.
2. Commanders
Lead fleets during large-scale alliance operations, such as invasions or defenses.
Manage tactical deployment of resources and fleets in real-time.
Act as the leader's right hand in military operations.
Access to combat planning, fleet coordination, and battle-related decisions.
3. Officers
Assist the leader in managing the alliance.
Coordinate missions and resource contributions.
Mentor new members and ensure smooth operations.
Access to resource management and the ability to initiate missions or upgrades.
4. Strategists
Plan and execute combat strategies, including fleet deployments and defenses.
Provide tactical advice for alliance-wide goals.
Access to fleet coordination and combat-related features.
5. Members
Participate in alliance missions and contribute resources.
Support alliance goals and engage in collaborative activities.
Limited access to alliance features, focusing on participation rather than management.
6. Recruits
Newly joined members who must prove their commitment to the alliance.
Participate in basic missions and activities.
Restricted access until promoted to full membership.
These roles, including the newly added Commanders, ensure efficient operation and clear division of responsibilities, enabling alliances to thrive and achieve their objectives in the competitive galaxy of Galaxy Dust Online.
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